


North: Practice Peace

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North Mental Health Programs

North Personalized Therapist

Experience comfort and trust right from the start with our specialized therapists tailored to your unique needs.

North On-demand Support

Our on-demand sessions offer instant guidance and relief during life's most challenging moments.

Healing Sessions

Discover the transformative power of yoga, music, dance, and art therapy for mind, body, and soul enrichment.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy combines physical postures, mindful breathing, and meditation to reduce stress and improve mental well-being, offering a holistic approach for both body and mind.

Dance Therapy

Dance therapy uses movement and dance for emotional expression, helping individuals manage stress, boost self-esteem, and enhance their mental health through physical and emotional release.

Art Therapy

Art therapy employs creative mediums like painting and sculpture to facilitate self-expression and emotional exploration, reducing anxiety and improving mental health.

Music Therapy

Music therapy harnesses the power of music to enhance emotional well-being. By listening, creating, or playing music, individuals can manage stress, enhance mood, and boost cognitive and emotional skills.

North Packages

360° North 2 Sessions

80 USD

  • 2 Psychology Sessions
  • On-Demand Support for 2 Weeks
  • Package valid for 30 days

360° North 4 Sessions

150 USD

  • 4 Psychology Sessions
  • On-Demand Support for 1 Month
  • Package valid for 60 days

Single visit

One Visit

From 50 USD

  • 1 visit to psychologist

North Success Stories

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North Therapists

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"My psychological needs are among the most important things, I have learned not to underestimate. I have witnessed a significant difference in my life when I received the right assistance from a specialized person."


"When I sought help from a specialist, things started to improve significantly. I encourage you to seek help if you feel that you need it."


"The idea of going to a psychiatrist is not shameful at all. If you have any chronic illness, you would visit a doctor, and a psychiatrist is just like any other doctor."


"I discovered that there are many things I cannot understand on my own or change within myself without the help of someone who knows the way."


"I have discovered that strength lies in a person's ability to recognize when they are facing challenges and seek help at the right time."


"My psychological needs are among the most important things, I have learned not to underestimate. I have witnessed a significant difference in my life when I received the right assistance from a specialized person."


"When I sought help from a specialist, things started to improve significantly. I encourage you to seek help if you feel that you need it."


"The idea of going to a psychiatrist is not shameful at all. If you have any chronic illness, you would visit a doctor, and a psychiatrist is just like any other doctor."


"I discovered that there are many things I cannot understand on my own or change within myself without the help of someone who knows the way."


"I have discovered that strength lies in a person's ability to recognize when they are facing challenges and seek help at the right time."



What is mental health?

Mental health refers to a person's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It encompasses one's thoughts, feelings, and behavior, influencing how they handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.

What are common signs or symptoms of mental health issues?

Signs of mental health issues vary but may include persistent sadness, extreme mood swings, withdrawal from social activities, changes in sleep or appetite, difficulty concentrating, excessive worries, or substance abuse.

How do I know if I need professional help for my mental health concerns?

Seeking professional help is advisable if your emotional or psychological struggles interfere with daily life, work, relationships, or if you experience intense or prolonged distress that you can't manage on your own.

What are some effective ways to improve mental health?

Engaging in regular exercise, practicing relaxation techniques like mindfulness or meditation, maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, seeking social support, and considering therapy or counseling can help improve mental health.

What is the difference between a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, and counselor?

Psychologists hold advanced degrees in psychology and offer counseling or psychotherapy. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who can prescribe medications and provide therapy. Therapists and counselors are trained professionals who offer talk therapy to help manage mental health issues.

How does therapy or counseling help in dealing with mental health challenges?

Therapy or counseling provides a safe space to explore thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It can help in developing coping strategies, improving communication skills, gaining insight into problems, and promoting mental and emotional well-being.

Can I change my psychologist if I don't like the first one?

Building a strong therapeutic relationship is crucial for the success of therapy, and if you find that you're not connecting with your psychologist or that their approach doesn't resonate with you, it's perfectly acceptable to seek out a different therapist.

Are there online resources or helplines available for mental health support?

Yes, there are various online resources, hotlines, and helplines offering mental health support, including crisis intervention, counseling, information, and referrals to professional services.

Can mental health issues be prevented?

While not always preventable, certain lifestyle choices like maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, managing stress effectively, building supportive relationships, and seeking early intervention can reduce the risk of developing mental health issues.

How can I support a friend or family member struggling with mental health problems?

Listening without judgment, offering empathy and understanding, encouraging professional help-seeking, assisting in finding resources, and providing ongoing support are essential ways to help someone dealing with mental health challenges.

What should I do in a mental health emergency?

In a mental health emergency involving immediate risk of harm to oneself or others, call emergency services, a local crisis hotline, or take the individual to the nearest emergency room for urgent evaluation and care.

What is addiction, and how does it differ from occasional habits?

Addiction is a chronic condition characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences. It differs from occasional habits in that it involves an inability to control the behavior despite negative consequences.

What are the common signs or symptoms of addiction?

Signs of addiction include an inability to stop or control the behavior, prioritizing the behavior over other responsibilities, withdrawal symptoms when not engaging in the behavior, and continuing the behavior despite knowing the harm it causes.

How can someone help a loved one who is struggling with addiction?

ٍٍSupporting a loved one struggling with addiction involves showing empathy, encouraging them to seek professional help, offering non-judgmental support, and assisting in finding appropriate treatment options or support groups.

What is anxiety, and how does it differ from occasional worries or stress?

Anxiety is a persistent feeling of excessive worry, fear, or unease that can interfere with daily life. It differs from occasional worries or stress by being more intense, prolonged, and disproportionate to the situation.

What are some coping strategies for managing anxiety?

Coping strategies for managing anxiety include deep breathing exercises, practicing mindfulness or meditation, regular physical exercise, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, seeking professional therapy or counseling, and learning relaxation techniques.

When should someone seek professional help for anxiety?

Seeking professional help for anxiety is advisable when symptoms significantly interfere with daily functioning, relationships, work, or when anxiety becomes overwhelming and difficult to manage independently.

What is depression, and how is it different from feeling sad?

Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities. It's different from feeling sad as it often persists for an extended period and affects daily life.

What are the common symptoms of depression?

Symptoms of depression include persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, changes in appetite or weight, sleep disturbances, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, feelings of worthlessness, or thoughts of self-harm.

Can depression be treated effectively?

Yes, depression is treatable with various approaches, including therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and support networks. Seeking professional help is crucial for effective treatment and management of depression.

How can one support a friend or family member dealing with depression?

Supporting someone with depression involves being understanding, offering emotional support, encouraging professional help, providing company or assistance with daily tasks, and avoiding judgment or criticism.

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